Thursday, July 31, 2008

Our Family

While Jeremy was at home this week we took advantage of the opportunity to try to get some family pictures taken. It was 100 degrees outside and fairly humid but the kids were good sports and we ended up with some fairly good shots. You will probably see at least one of them again in the form of a Christmas card later this year.

While cooler temps would have been take what you can get!


Anonymous said...

you are a beautiful family, lol, mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. There isn't a bad picture in the bunch. You are all so photogenic! I'm sure it was a sad day to see Jeremy hit the road today. Hope and pray he had a safe journey.

Love ya, Jan

Jennifer said...

You are so pretty, Tracy!! I vote for the second one in front of the falls. It's so clear and pretty.

Shannon said...

What great pictures! I like all of them, but the second (with the falls in the background) is my favorite I think. Who took the pictures?

Tracy said...

Shannon, That's the beauty of a tripod and a self-timer on the camera. The trick is trying to get the girls to smile at the blinking camera and not follow whoever happens to be running to get in the picture.:)

Elissa said...

Those are really great pictures!!
Miss y'all!