Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Else Ya Gonna Do...

...when it's 102...degrees that is!

We never got our big pool put up this year, but that hasn't stopped the girls from working on their tans. Kara can be in the sun one day and she is as dark as can be. Emma tans well also but it takes slightly longer and she doesn't get as dark.

Emma loves to be outside. This extreme Texas heat doesn't seem to bother her a bit. Kara loves to be outside too but she doesn't much care for these high temps. She is much more like her mother.

Today we made a card and some cookies for our new neighbors that moved in down the street. Considering all of the new houses on our street, we better get busy making some more cards.

Anyway, while the first batch of cookies was cooling on the stove, I escaped to the other room to check my email. When I came back to the kitchen what do you suppose I found...yep, you guessed it, fingerprints in the cookies. Ugh! Guess that batch will stay here. I really should know better than to leave something that tempting unattended in the first place.

So, what's a mom to do? We passed them out and ate the evidence. Didn't even get a picture of it. Oh well, there are plenty more where those came from. Ooo, were they yummy!!!!

In fact, I think I'll go have another one.

1 comment:

Liesl said...

can i have one, too?