Thursday, July 10, 2008

This is Commandment Five

On Wednesday nights during the summer, Emma and Kara attend Patch the Pirate Club at church. This is Kara's first experience with being in a real classroom situation instead of being in the nursery. She is loving it.

Our pastor's wife is teaching the youngest group of kids (the Plebes), and they are learning the Ten Commandments. Kara has been able to tell us each week which commandment they learned. I have been amazed at what she remembers.

Tonight, she was going through the house singing the song they learned last night. Keith thought we should video I did. It is so precious I have to share it with the rest of you.

In case you aren't up on your commandments, the 5th commandment is found in Exodus 20 verse 12. It says "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."


Elissa said...

AWWWWWW!!!! That is SOOOOOOO sweet!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

That's the loudest/clearest/most words I've ever heard her say! How precious!!

Elaine said...

That is about the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time. What a joy.

Shannon said...

Yay, Kara! Way to pay attention! :) (And very beautiful singing, too!)

Liesl said...

i can't get this video to work, but i know exactly what she looks like anyway. maybe not the volume level, though. she always repeats and sings so quietly to me!