Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Brotherly Love

As we finished dinner tonight the girls were begging to play Chutes and Ladders. While Keith and I cleaned up the dishes, Drew offered to play with the girls.

I will play just about anything with them but Chutes and Ladders is definitely not my favorite. That game can go on forever. You just think you're getting somewhere and you hit a chute and go back to the beginning. Come on, this is supposed to be a game for little kids. Have some mercy on the parents (and big brothers) already.

Anyway, Drew, being the great sport that he is, sat down to play with his sisters.

The first game went along fairly smoothly with the exception of Kara's occasional mix up in the counting of the squares (she still needs some help in this area). She ended up winning in what appeared to be near record time. Then I heard her ask the dreaded question..."Can we play again?" The look on Drew's face was hilarious as he responded "Can we double each roll?"

They did play a second game...even played it by the rules (no doubling of rolls). Kara won again and her smile went from ear to ear.

Thanks Drew for taking the time to make memories with your sisters and for loving them enough to play Chutes and Ladders. I'm quite sure you made their night.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is just too adorable!!