Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'll Be Home For Christmas

Keith's mom arrived on December 19th. The kids and I had not seen her in 2 1/2 years so we were really looking forward to her coming. Kara had asked me the day before if it was just one more sleep until Grandma came. When I replied that it was, she responded with "I saw her picture once". It was so funny the way she said it because Jan's picture sits on top of our piano all the time and Kara knows who she is.

Tyler and I had been looking through some of his pictures from when he was little just a few days before that and Kara had noticed one of Jan with Tyler from years ago. I think that is what she was talking about...but she's 4 so who really knows. Anyway, it brought a chuckle as she often does.

The girls were thrilled to have Grandma's attention and the boys couldn't wait to break out the cribbage board. We shopped, played, cooked, and ate...a lot. In short, we had a great visit. It was so good to see her and we are praying that it won't ever be that long again between visits.

The next day, the 20th of December, Jeremy arrived via American Eagle Airlines. It was wonderful as always to have all of my kids at home for the holidays. As the kids get older each year (notice I said "the kids"...Keith and I aren't getting any older) I cherish the time when they are all at home more than ever. I know that it won't always be possible so I'm especially thankful for it when it is.

The girls were in hog heaven. Not only did they have Grandma's almost full and undivided attention but now big brother was home too. They both adore Jeremy and he them. They were all over him the minute he walked through the doors at the airport. He had one sister on each knee as he sat waiting for his baggage to arrive. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said "I've got my girls."

I wish I had a picture of Kara the morning Jeremy had to leave to go home because she had a death grip on him and wouldn't let go. She was not happy that he was leaving. It was sweet but sad as well.

We celebrated a wonderful Christmas together but I'll recap that in the next post. Most of our time was just spent enjoying one another's company and playing games with the girls and each other.

Jan had sent the girls a game called Doodle Dice for their birthdays. We had not gotten around to playing it with them until the Christmas break. It turned out to be so fun that we adults would play it even after the girls went to bed. It's a great game... so check it out for yourselves (here).

Jeremy had to head home on Sunday morning after Christmas and Jan left the following day. It is always hard to say goodbye and I don't particularly like it very much. But, thankfully, they both got home safe and sound and we are already looking forward to the next time we will be together. We miss you both already. Thanks so much for making the trip to spend Christmas with us.

The girls were a little lost for a few days until Grandma Judy and Papa Wes arrived to spend New Year's Eve with us and they had a captive audience once again. I'll blog more about their visit in due time.

We have started back to school and life has already gotten crazy busy again but I'll try to keep up a little better than I was doing before the holidays. We'll see!

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