Thursday, September 11, 2008

Extra-curricular Activities

I have been on a cleaning frenzy. I intended to give my house a good "spring" cleaning this summer while we were out of school but somehow the summer passed and it never happened. Don't ask me what possessed me to start it the week we started school, but I did. I think maybe it was the need to feel organized that got me motivated.

Anyway, I have dusted, vacuumed, cleaned blinds and windows (inside and out), cleaned ceiling fans and light fixtures, sinks and toilets, walls and floors, refrigerators and ovens, and just about everything else you can name. It feels great...for the 24 hours or so that it lasts.

Seriously though, I do feel better when my house is clean. It may not always be picked up and tidy but when it's clean underneath it all, I feel much better. I still have the girls' room and the laundry room to hit but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I figure by the time I finish the whole house, it will be time to start over. C'est la vie!

In the midst of the frenzy, we continue to have school. It is going great for the most part and we are enjoying it. We have even added in some extracurricular activities that I thought I would share.

In August, I signed the girls up for gymnastics at the local YMCA. They allow the home school group to come in and use their facilities on Fridays. Emma has loved it from day 1. The teacher is a young man and Kara has yet to warm up to him. I keep hoping that as time goes on she will get excited to try more and more. Last week at the end of class, the mom that helps out told me that Emma is fantastic. I had to have her repeat what she said because I misunderstood the first time and thought that Emma was in trouble again. I guess I shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.

She was impressed with Emma's lack of fear and willingness to really try to do what they want her to do. Here is a shot of her working on a back flip.

And here she is on the balance beam.

On one occasion, Kara's courage was mustered long enough to try a few things. Unfortunately the pictures are not great but you get the idea.
They are having fun and it is a great way for Emma to burn some of her excess energy.

After gymnastics last Friday morning, we headed to the base for a ceramics class. Yes, I know I'm crazy to take a 3 year old and a 5 year old into a room filled with nothing but breakables but in the name of "Art class" I did. They actually did quite well and we had fun too. Here are a few pics of them cleaning their greenware and of the projects they chose.

The bear and the dog are Emma's and the ladybug family is Kara's. Last week they cleaned them and then they were to be fired over the weekend. Tomorrow we go back and they get to paint their goodies. I'll take more pictures of the masterpieces when they are finished.

Emma started piano lessons on Wednesday of this week and our Wednesday night children's activities at church called "Truth Trackers" started this week as well. So, as you can see, the girls are plenty busy and I'm frantic trying to keep up. Not to mention that Austin is playing football with one of the local Christian schools and he has practice every day with games on Thursday evenings and most of those are out of town.

Tyler and Drew are in class at MSU every morning of the week and working most afternoons so life is crazy...but good. To keep up with all of this, I have taken to carrying around a day planner that pretty much never leaves my side now. It is like carrying my brain around in my hand. Somehow I keep up with things better this way. So, if you happen to come across a little brown tapestry binder without an owner, please return my brain...I would be lost without it.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I,m tired just listening to all you have done and are doing. Your Mom could use a good house cleaning too. Ha! I'm glad to hear the girls are enjoying gymnastics and ceramics. Emma looks like she really enjoys it and maybe Kara will too when she gets over her shyness, if she ever does. LOL, Mom

Heather said...

I am with your mom!! You are making me tired just reading about your days! ;o) Elissa & I spent yesterday deep cleaning. It sure feels nice when it is done!

Miss ya girlfriend!!

love, Heather
PS come visit my blog, I am having a giveaway!

Liesl said...

totally awesome schedule :)
i want to see emma in the olympics in a few years