Monday, September 29, 2008

19 Years Ago Today... 2nd son was born.

Drew was born on a Friday. The Tuesday before his birth as I was driving to the hospital for a check up, I received a little gift...a speeding ticket. Joy! What nerve that policeman had to give a ticket to a woman 2 1/2 weeks from her due date and on her way to the hospital. Can you imagine?!

Needless to say, by the time I arrived at the hospital my blood pressure was sky high. I had had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy so the doctor was pretty concerned. I tried to convince him that it was just stress but he wanted me back that Friday for a recheck. He said if my blood pressure was elevated at all I would be having a baby that day.

I guess you can figure out what happened since Drew was indeed born that Friday evening. The labor and delivery is kind of a funny story in and of itself but I'll spare you the details. He was a beautiful baby that weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20 inches long. He was born with a head full of brown hair that was as wild as could be. We were thrilled!

Drew's first year was filled with ups and downs. He ended up having two major abdominal surgeries before he was a year old. There were times when we wondered if he would see his first birthday.

At three years old, Drew had to get his first pair of glasses...bifocals. He handled them like a champ other than the first week when he buried them in a snow bank in our front yard. I guess they did take him a little getting used to.

Now, at 19, he has grown into an awesome young man with a bright future. He is in his third year at MSU and has a new job here in town. He has a great cluster of friends and one special one too.

We celebrated Drew's birthday yesterday because he already had big plans for today. As I type this, he is on his way to Dallas with Alicia and her brother Sam to go to a concert featuring one of their favorite musicians.

Wow, where have the last 19 years gone? Sometimes I just wish they were all little again. But, then again, what a joy it is to see them becoming what God has created them to be.

Happy Birthday Drew! We think you're awesome!
But you knew that already, didn't you?!

And since Drew was born on his grandmother's birthday...Happy Birthday Mom! I hope it was wonderful for you. We send lots of hugs and much love your way!


Jennifer said...

WOW! 19?? You're OLD! ha ha ha You have done an exceptional job! Cute pics!! The one with him and Alicia made me tear up! :)

Shannon said... are SO not old, because I am not old! Happy birthday (a day late), Drew! All the best people were born on that day... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe what a handsome man Drew has become but with parents like his what did I expect? I have to hope that we had some part in it too. Happy birthday, Drew. We love you, GMaw and GPaw

Liesl said...

happy birthday, drew!