Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I was out running some errands with the girls this afternoon when I caught a short blurb on the radio. I didn't get the woman's name but she was speaking for a ministry called "The Proverbs 31 Woman".

She mentioned that several years ago God had made it abundantly clear to her and her husband that they were to adopt two little boys from Africa. She said that people have asked her if she ever regretted their decision to do just that.

Her answer is always "no". She said that even though some days are really difficult and it is often stressful and tiring to raise 5 active children it has taught her to live by faith. She asked this question "How can I be a woman of faith if I am living a life that requires no faith?"

I feel like I'm walking in this woman's shoes. I could replace her in this story if you added one more child. It has been 7 years now since we submitted to God's working in our hearts to add to our family through adoption.

I have never once regretted the decision to follow His leading. I will admit, though, to sometimes wanting to ask God "why" some things have happened the way that they have.

Maybe today I got my answer. Maybe, if I could really ask God "why?" He would tell me that it was to teach me to live by trust stop relying on myself and let Him be in the driver's seat. Sometimes life is hard...sometimes it's really hard...but He is always faithful.

Thank you Lord for teaching me to live by faith and thank you for each and every one of my precious children.

I am a blessed mother indeed!


Elissa said...

Lovely blog Mrs. Pond! I'm glad you joined the blogosphere! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Tracy! You inspire me...perhaps a Shine blog in the near future??? You family is beeeaauutiful! Love you!

Shannon said...

Yay Tracy! Welcome to the blog world. :)
I do think we learn how to walk by faith during the times when we have no other option...and hopefully then, when given the option later, we'll choose to rely on faith anyway. I must have needed the self-reliant option taken away for a while...haha!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

And you said you were leaving the deep thoughts to Dad.

Love ya, Mom.